We tailor our services to fit residential communities - Resident Associations, Courts, Individual Home Owners, and Property Managers and Agents. Each community has a unique personality. Location, layout, traffic flow, specialised facilities, customised bylaws, and homeowner preferences must all be considered when providing security services. Additionally, as a community matures, its needs change, and therefore, its rules and regulations evolve. Only by initiating and maintaining a line of joint communication with estate security committee members, property managers and homeowners, will security teams meet the evolving needs of its communities. Our professionals work closely with the homeowners and property managers by: Attending Monthly Security Meetings Listening to Residents Access Control / Gate Officers: we makes use of in-depth training programmes to keep our access teams alert, efficient and friendly. To ensure procedures are maintained, site supervisors monitor access control officers by daily: Reviewing CCTV Replays Examining Visitor/Resident Book Entries Conducting Uniform Inspections Patrol Officers: responding to house alarms are the most important duties of a patrol officer. Constant training drills ensure that patrol officers are able to respond and perform under high stress situations. Prevention and detection are secondary functions of the Red Wolf Patrol Officer. Training and constant reinforcement is again the key to performance. After their initial training, officers are constantly evaluated on the following procedures: Identifying Suspicious Behaviour Securing Homes and Detecting Forced Entry Monitoring Traffic Controls Conducting Uniform Inspections Pin-pointing Audible Alarms Maintaining Sporadic Patrol Procedures